This Is How To Remove Bloated Belly In Just 60 Seconds With This Incredible Belly Fat Burning Recipe - A Must Watch Video

No one likes a bloated, big round belly. Everyone who struggles with a bloated belly searches for a way to get rid of it. The best and easiest way for it is sassy water.
It got its name after Cynthia Sass. This recipe transforms ordinary water into a powerful belly fat burner! It also improves and strengthens your overall health. It improves and balances your digestion and has almost 0 calories.There is also a diet called “The flat belly diet” invented by Cynthia Sass and it’s based on the consumption of sassy water for losing weight. Even if you drink 8 glasses of water a day, you’ll still need to consider the water retention and balance of electrolytes.

Here’s the complete recipe:


2 liters of water
1 teaspoon of grated ginger (fresh)
1 medium sized, thinly sliced lemon
1 medium sized, peeled and thinly sliced cucumber
12 small leaves of mint
