The Gift of Salvation - Sunday's Dose - 2nd April 2017

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” - (Acts 2:21).

Thoughts for Today

One day as the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was reviewing his troops, his horse bolted out of control. He was in danger of being hurled to the ground, but a young private broke rank and calmed the animal.

"Thank you, Captain," said Napoleon, thus bestowing an instant promotion on the man.

Smiling proudly, the soldier inquired, "Of what regiment, sir?"

"Of my guards," replied Bonaparte. Immediately, the soldier assumed his new rank and walked over to join a group of staff officers. "What is this insolent fellow doing here?" one questioned.

"I am Captain of the guards," the young man replied.

"You are just a private. What makes you think you are a captain?"

At that, the young man pointed to the emperor and confidently responded, "He said it!"

"I beg your pardon, Captain," the officer answered politely. "I was not aware of your promotion."

The moment we accept Christ as our Savior, we are immediately given an eternal position of authority in heaven. Our rank changes from one of no real authority to one of great reward and prominence.

With his last breath the repentant thief said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom" (Luke 23:42). The Lord replied, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43). And it was immediately done. Is Jesus the Captain of your soul? If not, will you give your life to Him?

Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father, I have sinned against You. Forgive me. I accept Your gift of salvation and know that from this day forward I am living for You, my Lord and Savior! Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer.Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen."

Have a Blessed Sunday and God Bless you.

Courtesy : Daily Dose Devotionals Team
