Test Your Christian Identity - Wednesday's Dose - 21st June 2017

“Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus” - (2 Timothy 2:3).

Thoughts for Today

One of the best ways to test your Christian identity is to see how willing you are to tell others what God has done for you through Jesus Christ.

Another way to check your true identity is to measure your level of dedication. Are you dedicated to Christ even when the road is risky and you may face hardships? Do you fight spiritual battles rather than shrink from them? Those dedicated to Christ fight spiritual battles to win. In a spiritual battle, there are only two people: the defeated and the victor. We are conquerors for Christ, and we have been given the victory!

A third way to test your true identity is by asking yourself if you are willing to live life by God’s rules. In ancient Greece, winning athletes were crowned with an evergreen wreath. But no athlete, no matter how brilliant or successful, received a crown if he did not compete according to the rules.

In 2 Timothy, Paul admonishes us to remain faithful to God. We are to play according to His rules, not by the world’s rules. We are not to operate by rules of a rewritten Bible, which tell us to do whatever feels right to us. Rules like these offer no standards. In order to live a victorious life, we need a solid, unshakeable framework, and this is what God provides through His Word.

Set a goal for your life: Be committed to learning more about God—His truth, His Word, His love, and His forgiveness. Then share His love with someone who is lost and in need of eternal hope. When you play by His rules, you will discover a lasting peace that satisfies your soul.

Prayer: Our Heavenly Father,
Thank you for my salvation through Jesus Christ. I desire to learn more about You—Your Truth, Word, love and forgiveness. As I do, please guide me as I share You with others. I thank You for the honor of sharing Your Gospel. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen."

Have a Blessed Wednesday and God Bless you.

Courtesy : Daily Dose Devotionals Team
