Put This Plants In Your Bedroom And This Will Happen To You - A Must Watch Video

There’s nothing worse than tossing and turning all night, before being awoken by the sound of your alarm-clock just minutes after you finally manage to nod-off! These sleepless nights can take their toll on our energy, productivity, mood and overall quality of life.

One way to ensure a better quality of sleep is to fill your home with beautiful flowers and plants. Not only do they look great and bring vitality and life to your living spaces, but they can have fantastic relaxing and purifying benefits – which in turn can promote a healthy sleeping pattern.

1.Snake Plant.
This plant, also known as ‘Mother-in-Law’s Tongue’, is a natural air-purifier. They emit oxygen at night, improving the air around you so that you sleep-better. They are also known to remove some harmful chemicals such as xylene, trichloroethylene, toluene, benzene and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde can be found in hairspray and can cause respiratory problems, so this is a great plant to have in the bedroom!

Who doesn’t love the scent of lavender? It’s also probably the most well-known of all plants when it comes to inducing sleep and reducing anxiety levels. Research backs-up these claims, with lavender scents shown to slow down heart rate, lower blood-pressure and levels of stress. While there are a host of lavender scented products on the market to help you get a full night’s rest, why not go for the most natural and cost effective option – a beautiful lavender plant in your bedroom.
The lavender plant likes warmth and sunlight, so ensure to place it on a sunny windowsill and water sparingly.

3.Peace Lily.
Like the snake plant, peace lilies are also amazing air cleaners, as studied by NASA. The added benefit of a peace lily is that it can increase room humidity by up to 5%. Increased humidity is great for breathing while asleep
Low humidity causes static electricity, dry-skin and hair, increased susceptibility to colds and respiratory illness and can allow viruses and germs to thrive’. Peace lilies also have beautiful white flowers and need little light and watering once a week, so will thrive in the bedroom.

Jasmine plants have small, white flowers and are very pretty. They give off a sweet scent that is often used in its essential-oil form for relaxation. Studies show that this scent is linked to reduced anxiety levels and also that it improves sleep quality. Jasmine plants are quite easy to keep as they will live well in a pot. Place it on the windowsill and water it regularly during flowering periods.

This medicinal plant is a great addition to any home. It produces oxygen at night, so like the other plants listed, it will improve the air in your bedroom. The gel from these leaves can be used to treat minor-cuts and burns, insect bites and dry-skin.

Other bedroom plants include English ivy, gardenia, spider plant and valerian.
Do You have any plants in Your bedroom? Be sure to share it in the comments below.

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