11 Year Old Girl Sings a Breathtaking Version of a Christian Song - Must Watch Video

Wow!!! Such a developed voice for 11 year old, that is so awesome! God can do so much through that beautiful voice!


  1. its sooo good baby... i admire you...

  2. Investigate this song please.... look for it on youtube and then tell me if you see God in it...listen to the lyrics...do not be fooled!
    she has a good voice but is sorely misguided.... christians are getting sidetracked and hoodwinked...open your eyes...

  3. I agree, Michelle! Unless they speak Jesus's name and you don't have to wonder what the lyrics mean, you probably shouldn't be listening to it! Some of those songs are far too "mainstream", and you have to protect your mind!!

  4. Beautiful voice!!!!!!

  5. Breathtaking! Please who knows this little girl's full names? How can I download this video? Chuks Oasis.


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