We Serve a Sovereign God - Monday's Dose - 18th April 2016

Monday's Dose - 18th April 2016

We Serve a Sovereign God

Today's Scripture

“Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied” - (Luke 6:21).

Thoughts for Today

God wants you to be wise and surefooted in your daily walk with Him, not allowing anything to come into your life that would cause you to doubt His goodness. He also knows there will be times when the enemy will tempt you to feel fearful and out of control. When this happens, you need to remember that you serve a sovereign God who has good things in mind for your life.

Even when troubles come, we may begin to wonder if we will ever realize the hopes and dreams that God has given us. Joseph, Daniel, Moses, David, and the disciples probably faced the same temptation to doubt God’s blessing and goodness. However, these men of faith remained steadfast in their belief in the Lord’s ability. They had to come to a point of faith where they boldly confronted their fears—and we do, too.

The English word worry comes from a German word meaning “to strangle or choke.” This is exactly what worry does. It chokes and prevents us from living victorious lives by stifling our godly potential.

Solomon, however, admonishes us to “catch ... the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom” (Song of Songs 2:15). The “little foxes” of sin have the ability to derail our Christian faith and sense of virtue.

On the surface, few of us would think that a little worry, doubt, or fear is enough to harm our devotion to God. However, they can steal our joy and create within our hearts and minds a sense of distrust for the things of God.

God is merciful. He has the power to conquer doubt, fear, and worry. When our lives are surrendered to Him, we don’t have to be anxious about tomorrow. He provides all that we need perfectly and on time.

Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father, 
I surrender my life to You. I thank You for Your peace and provision. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, 

Have a Blessed Monday and God Bless you.
Courtesy : Daily Dose Devotionals Team
