Gender Reveal - It’s A…. - Wow! First Girl After 11 Boys - Must Watch Video

After a 3 year long battle with infertility, we learned that we were pregnant with a little miracle! 16 weeks into our pregnancy it was time for the gender reveal. Would our baby be the 12th grandson or the 1st granddaughter of Katie's family?
Note from Reece and Katie:
So very humbled and thankful to share the news that the Lord has gifted us with a miracle! We endured a three year long battle with infertility and there was so much pain, questions, and tears. We are so thankful for our amazing prayer warrior friends and family that walked this journey with us. We are due March 23 smile emoticon Baby Norris, we will always think of you as our miracle and you will always be a reminder of God’s faithfulness. We can’t wait to be your parents!
To anyone that is reading this that is waiting for that positive news, please be encouraged that all things will work out according to His plan. Please message me if you want another person praying for you, I would be honored to do so. It was hard for me to talk about it with friends at first, but now as I look back, I see that they were the ones that got us through.
