Young Couple Crashes Into Pole At 85 MPH, ‘God Took the Wheel’ – A Must Watch Video

Hunter and Arika were driving home when their truck slid off the highway and straight toward an underpass. Their miraculous survival brought them a new sense of peace and hope in God.

Young Couple Crashes Into Pole At 85 MPH, ‘God Took the Wheel’ – A Must Watch Video

Arika Stovall and Hunter, survived a crash that should have killed them. It was “only by the grace of God” that both Arika and Hunter were able to stand on their own two feet—next to the hunk of metal that use to be a truck—and smile.
It’s a miracle how little damage was done to the both of them after their truck slammed into a pole going 85 miles per hour. Arika describes that the accident, “should have chopped their bodies in half.”
