Drink This Juice To Prevent and Treat Varicose Veins - A Must Watch Video

We all know that there are no miracles when it comes to eliminating varicose veins. However, through good nutrition and exercise, we can reduce its incidence and avoid deep vein thrombosis (otherwise known as a blood clot).

If your varicose veins are at a very advanced stage, be sure to speak with your doctor immediately so that he can help you find the appropriate treatment for them.

But if they don’t yet require a doctor’s care, you should really know that this beet and parsley drink can be useful, whether you have simple superficial varicose veins or the deep ones.


- 1 beet
- 1 tablespoon of parsley (5 g)
- 1 glass of water (200 ml)
- The juice of ½ lemon


Choose a medium, not overripe beet. The best way to benefit from its properties is to consume it fresh. You only have to wash it well, peel it and cut it into 4 pieces to make the process easier.

Then, thoroughly wash the parsley leaves. Although they have a very strong flavor, it is worth it to include them in this natural drink to reduce the incidence of varicose veins.

In the blender, just add the water, the lemon juice, the parsley and the beet.

Blend well until you get a smooth drink.

We recommend drinking this juice in the mornings, about three times a week. That way, our circulation and endurance will be improved, and we’ll start the day with more energy.

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