The Anguish of Mary’s Heart - Thursday's Dose - 24th August 2017

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you - (1 Peter 5:7).

Thoughts for Today

Imagine the anguish of Mary’s heart as she looked up into the face of her dying Son. Jesus had been beaten so seriously that He was probably unrecognizable. Yet, Mary would have known Him anywhere. She was His mother.

She could close her eyes and remember what it felt like to hold Him as a baby in her arms. No one has ever held the Son of God this way. She was there when He took his first steps, and she was with Him when He took His last breath.

A strong bond remained between them, and also an understanding that He must do exactly what His Father had called Him to do. She never thought His life would lead to this moment. Simeon had warned her, “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of many ... And a sword will pierce your own soul too” (Luke 2:34-35). But no one is ever prepared for the loss of a child.

On the evening of His arrest, Jesus was with His closest followers; His disciples. Throughout the night and into the next day, John followed the Savior from mock trial to mock trial. Then Mary joined John at the cross.

There may be times when we are tempted to think Jesus does not care for us. Satan whispers that God is not interested in our sorrows or difficulties. This is not true. Even on the cross, Jesus was still saving lives and thinking of others: “Dear woman, here is your son,” and to [John] “Here is your mother” (John 19:26-27). In other words, “John, My mother is now your mother; take care of her for Me.”

Prayer: Our Loving Heavenly Father, 
Forgive me for doubting You and Your care for me. I know that no matter what I am facing You are beside me, giving me the strength and wisdom I need. I also want to thank you for the people you have placed in my life to care for me. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. Gratefully, In Jesus Loving Name I Pray, Amen."

Have a Blessed Thursday and God Bless you.
Courtesy : Daily Dose Devotionals Team
