You'll Be Amazed With What Cinnamon Can Do To Your Garden - A Must Watch Video


Cinnamon is a fantastic aromatic, which makes it great for baking and cooking, but this versatile spice isn't just for the kitchen! With origins dating back to as early as 2700 B.C., cinnamon is a popular spice all over the world for uses in cooking and medicine.
Once a very valuable trade commodity, you can find ground cinnamon and cinnamon sticks at most grocery stores at a fair price. You might want to stockpile the spice when you see everything it can do in your garden.

1.Cinnamon as rooting agent
Cinnamon as a rooting agent is as useful as willow water or hormone rooting powder. A single application to the stem when you plant the cutting will stimulate root growth in almost every plant variety. Give your cuttings for example rose cuttings a quick start with the help of cinnamon powder. Pour a spoonful onto a paper towel and roll damp stem ends in the powder before Planting the stems in fresh potting soil. The cinnamon will encourage the stem to produce roots and more stems, while helping to prevent the fungus that causes damping-off disease.

2.Protect seedlings from disease
The antifungal properties in cinnamon make it a great tool for protecting seedlings from rot and disease, also known as damping off. Keeping moisture at bay is key; dusting the seeds with cinnamon and using a doming tactic can protect the seeds until they grow.

3.Defeat fungus
When you sprinkle ground cinnamon on soil, it kills fungi. Take advantage of cinnamon fungicide control by making a cinnamon spray for plants. Stir some cinnamon powder into warm water and allow it to steep overnight. Strain the liquid through a coffee filter and put the results into a spray bottle. Spray the stems and leave of affected plants. You can use cinnamon to kill wild mushrooms too.

4.Heal sick plants
Try sprinkling cinnamon on a plant wound from cutting or other damage to speed up the healing process and protect it from further damage or disease.

5.Deter ants
If you have a problem with ants in your home or greenhouse, cinnamon is a good deterrent. Ants don’t like to walk where cinnamon powder lays, so ant problems will be decreased. Use cinnamon for pests inside and outside your house. Find their entryway and sprinkle cinnamon powder in the path. Cinnamon won’t kill the ants in your home, but it will help to keep them from coming inside. If you have a problem with ants in your child’s sandbox, mix a container of cinnamon powder with the sand, mixing it well. Ants will steer clear of the sand.

6.Keep mosquitoes away from the garden
Sprinkle a bit of cinnamon around your plants to keep mosquitoes and other bugs away. They don't like the strong smell of cinnamon, so you can enjoy your garden even at night in peace.
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